• Backdrop as shown
• Large-size suspendable name plates: some of them should have the
names of the priests who have served in the parishes in the past: each of the priests presently working in the parish should
also have name plates.
• Entrance Procession with as many children
as the name plates of priests: each child to bring in one name plate.
• Introductory Commentary:
which is the Sunday following the feast of St. John Marie Vianney, is celebrated in our Archdiocese as a day of special
prayer for priests, those who are in active service, as well as those who are retired. As we gather around the Lord's altar
today, let us thank God for providing us with shepherds for all these years. There have been so many of them; let us try and
remember at least a few: (Commentator reads out the names and the number of years they served in the parish, slowly,
as a child goes up and suspends the name on a prominent place on the backdrop: the names of those priests presently working
in the parish could be put on the door in the backdrop. Then Commentary continues):...
these shepherds of our Parish have themselves been nourished by God at this altar, and they continue to be our shepherds and
stewards even today. Along with them let us pray today that God may always continue to shepherd his people.
1. Lord, you have blessed us with Priests who are
our shepherds, always guiding us and helping us. Lord have mercy.
2. Christ you have blessed us with Priests who are
vessels of God's grace and goodness. They are human too, they can be tempted and tried. Christ have mercy.
3. Lord, thank you for our Priests who fulfill diverse
roles - shepherd, advisor, mediator, minister, preacher, confessor and friend. Lord have mercy.
Wis 18:6-9, Heb. 11:1-2, 8-19. Lk. 12:32-48
Homily: The
readings of today speak to us about three different groups of people:
A large group of Jews, who lived outside Palestine less than a hundred
years before Jesus was born. The Book of Wisdom was written for them, and today's first reading is taken from this
Various groups of Christians who had come from Judaism, who lived some 40 years after the death and resurrection of
Jesus. A disciple of Paul, whose name we do not know, wrote to them the so-called Letter to the Hebrews, from which today's
second reading has been taken.
And finally, a group of Christian communities, made up mainly of people who had been pagans before, for whom Luke
wrote his Gospel at about the same time as the Letter to the Hebrews was written.
three groups of people suffered from the same disease: they all felt utterly discouraged and their faith was iin danger. God
took great care of them through his faithful stewards. He does the same today.
: Lord, Bless our Priests.
Father bless the ordained shepherds of your flock - our Pope, bishops and our own beloved Priests, of our parish. Grant
them wisdom and discernment, as they lead your people to greener pastures. Response: Lord. Bless our Priests.
2. Lord we pray for the spirituality of our priests. We pray that they imitate the life and
ministry of John Marie Vianney, who embodied in himself the great qualities of a Christian pastor through his deep prayer
life, mortification and good works. Response: Lord. Bless our Priests.
Lord, we pray especially for our seminarians, who have answered God's call. Help and guide them as they prepare
for this special calling. Response: Lord Bless our Priests.
Lord, we remember especially our sick and retired priests who have laboured to bring Christ to us. Be with them in the their twilight years. Response: Lord, Bless our Priests
Lord, we pray that God give to his church today many more Priests. We ask you to send your spirit on our families which
are the foundation ground on which our children are enabled to answer your call. Response: Lord, Bless our Priests.
Lord we pray that the laity and the priests collaborate effectively. This new partnership will facilitate the
building of a true Christian community of Faith, Hope and Love, as the Catholic Church. Response: Lord. Bless our Priests.
God our Father, we place all these petitions before you, fully confident that you will listen to our prayers. We make this
prayer through your son, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit. Amen
of the Gifts
The Bread and wine may be brought in procession
by one of parish council members two children.
short period of silent reflection after communion.
for Priests
and Eternal God our Father, your mission was carried out by your Son and later through his collaborators - the apostles and
' now through our priests. Bless all the priests in our Archdiocese. Rekindle in them the fire , of the love, zeal and commitment
that was with them on their ordination day. Protect ' them and keep them
from all harm. We make , this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
song (Aaron), Num. 6:24-26, can be sung.
Recessional Song: You are a chosen generation.
- Mrs. Lynette Dias