15th August Liturgy
Materials Required
3 strips of card paper (20 X 5cms.] saffron, white and green, to represent the National Flag.
A round card paper - on which is painted the Ashoka Chakra in blue.
The statue of Mother Mary, mounted on a pedestal - against a backdrop of words given above.
About 8-10 boys and girls, dressed in traditional costumes -using simple and previously rehearsed steps - dance to
The message of "The Assumption" could be brought out either in the form of a skit or an interview with the main celebrant
after the Gospel reading.
ENT: WHAT A JOY (or any
suitable hymn)
Boy: Today
is a special day - both for the Church and our country. To begin with, we join with Universal Church in celebrating The Assumption of Mary into heaven, body and soul.
Girl: Mary
who is blessed among all peoples, now sits in the presence of God. waiting for us. God is ready to do great things for us
and through us if, like Mary, we are open and responsive to God's word.
Boy: Today
we also celebrate the 57th Independence Day of our country.
Girl: During this eucharistic celebration, let us
pray for peace, love and unity to reign in the hearts of all our fellow citizens.
(Boy/Girl holding the saffron strip high up)
saffron shade invites us to be a self-sacrificing people. For the times we have not been generous and self-sacrificing, Lord
Have Mercy (Boy/Girl pins the strip on the backdrop)
White strip
white shade reminds us to be pure in thought, word and deed. For all those moments when we have given in, to impure thoughts,
words and deeds -Christ Have Mercy (Boy/Girl pin it below the saffron strip)
Green strip
symbolizes progress - a call to 'grow*. For the times we have been lazy and have chosen the easy way out Lord Have Mercy (Boy/Girl
pin it below the white strip)
Ashok Chakra
blue chakra symbolizes a prayer that our nation should be led by leaders who are faithful to God. For all the mistakes they
make, Christ Have Mercy. (Boy/Girl pins chakra on white strip.)
strips representing Our National Flag are placed near the statue of Mother Mary-as a symbol of Her being - The Hope of Our
children dressed in traditional costumes representing the different states give glory to God - in song and dance. The congregation
joins in singing the GLORIA.
1 : SKIT
children seated, browsing through the Bible and a few religion books. Enters
Karen's mum with some water.
Karen's mum: What's the matter? Everyone's so quiet. Are you all preparing
yourselves for an exam?
Oh no mum! Our Religion teacher, has asked us to come prepared with some information on The Assumption of Our Lady.
Yes aunty, and all we've been able to gather, is that Mother Mary was taken up body and soul, into heaven...
Jacob: Can
you help us aunty?
Karen's mum: Hmm.. I remember my mum and the Priests
telling us that Mother Mary was the only one among us humans, with whom God has had his own way....from the beginning of her
life to the end.
You mean....right from her birth?
Karen's Mum: No.... It was from the time she was conceived in her mother's womb. Mary was protected from
sin and all its consequences.
That explains why God chose her, to be the Mother of Jesus - the pure and sinless One.
Karen's Mum: Mary never doubted God and His plan of Salvation for the world. If you remember, she stood
silently by her Son -as He suffered and died a terrible death on the cross.
Jacob: Aunty, even after Jesus ascended
into heaven, Mary did not leave the Apostles. She was there with them...like a mother....wasn't she?
Karen's Mum: Yes, you are right. She stayed with them and prayed that they be blessed with the Holy Spirit.
And so when she died, she was taken up...
Body and soul into heaven, by God...
Karen's Mum: Where she was crowned 'Queen over all things' - So the Assumption of Mary speaks about HOPE
- A hope that we will one day be accepted, into the very presence, of God's eternal love.
Yes....if like Mary, we are open to God and respond to HIM.
1. Mary was like any of us.
In her pilgrimage of faith; did she ever doubt God and His plan of Salvation?
2. What does the Church wish
to convey to us through the Feast of the Assumption?
3. Why does the Church consider
the feast of the Assumption as an important happening/event?
4. Since Independence Day
falls on the feast of the Assumption what message does this feast have for all our countrymen ?
Cel: The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when
the course of her earthly life was completed was taken up, body and soul, into the glory of heaven. She now shares in the
glory of her Son's resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of His body.
Resp: Mother of Christ, present our petitions to your Son.
For our Holy Father, the Bishops, Priests and religious, that rekindle by the hope of Mary's Assumption, they cooperate
with Christ in His redemptive work.
For the Government of our Country -that they be blessed with wisdom, to frame and execute policies, for the upliftment
of the poor and the down trodden.
For the Leaders of our states and all those holding important offices, that they be guided in using the available resources
well, for the development of the country.
For all our youth - that they become aware of concepts like 'Fast Money' and its harmful effect on themselves, their
families and the country.
For those of us who have lost our near and dear ones - that the joy of the Assumption, encourage us to carry on in
our pilgrimage of faith.
We pray for our personal needs....
the Act of Consecration of the Archdiocese of Bombay to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (cf. Ordo)
in heaven, we thank you for your plan of redemption for the world. We thank you for the gift of life and all the other blessings
which you have generously poured on us. We thank you for Jesus who nourishes us at every Eucharist Like Mary we too want to
move into freedom....into your eternal light We pray that you help us use our life for the good of our country, others and
ourselves. Amen.
HYMN: ‘You are the honour
of your people' (Celebration)
the door of the Church, as they leave, if there are sufficient flags for the children and adults - let them pin them on to
their shirts / dresses.)
- Mrs. Celine San Francis