For Parents of Pre-Communicants
(Gen. Topic: FAMILY LIFE)
Jun-Aug (Fornightly Sessions): Caring for the intellectual development of children
Sep-Nov (Fornightly Sessions): Caring for the emotional development of children
Dec-Mar (Fortnightly Sessions): Caring for the spiritual development of children
For Parents of Communicants
(Gen. Topic: CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - First Section of each of its 4 Parts)
Jun-Aug (Fornightly Sessions): Moral Conscience (CCC 1776-1794) - Human
Solidarity (CCC 1877-1942)
Sep-Nov (Fornightly Sessions): The Revelation of Prayer (CCC 2566 - 2643) -
Prayer Life (CCC 2697-2750)
Dec-Mar (Fortnightly Sessions): Symbols & Seasons of the Liturgy (CCC 1135-1162)
- Faith as submission to God (CCC 142-175)
For Parents of Children in Stds. V - VIII
(Gen. Topic: Gospels of MARK & LUKE - as proclaimed in the Liturgy)
Jun-Aug (Fornightly Sessions): Mark 8:31-10:52l Discipleship of the Suffering Lord
Sep-Nov (Fornightly Sessions): Mark 11-13 Living in the hope of the everlasting life
Dec-Mar (Fortnightly Sessions): Luke 1-6 Infancy Narratives & Jesus initial ministry
in Galilee
For Parents of Confirmandi
(Gen. Topic: CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Second Section of each of its 4 Parts)
Jun-Aug (Fornightly Sessions): The Ten Commandments
Sep-Nov (Fornightly Sessions): The Apostles' Creed
Dec-Mar (Fortnightly Sessions): The Seven Sacraments - The Lord's Prayer