A format for Inter-Faith Small
Human Communities
Your attention please. We are about to begin our Flag-Hoisting Ceremony. You are requested, to maintain silence and focus
your thoughts on this patriotic action as a mark of respect to the nation.
C. My dear fellow citizens, if we as a free
people have assembled here to celebrate Independence Day/Republic Day, hoist the National flag and sing the national anthem
with heads held high, it is due to the sacrifices of many brave men and women who have gone before us, and many among us are
still striving to live up to their glorious example of commitment and service to the nation.
rejoice in recalling their patriotic deeds. And as a mark of respect and loyalty to the nation, you are requested to enthusiastically
join in the response:
- Remembering Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Nation, for his message of
peace and non violence and his selfless commitment to attaining Swaraj. (R)
- Remembering all those brave men and women who actively took part in the
freedom struggle and spared themselves no sacrifice. (R)
- Remembering all those brave jawans who gave their lives to defend the Motherland.
- Remembering all those unnamed men and women across the country selflessly
working for the poor and the downtrodden, unmindful of the sacrifices involved in building a New India based on the principles
of equality and justice for all. (R)
- Remembering all those great sons and daughters of the Motherland who
have brought honour to the nation by their service to humanity. (R)
- Remembering with pride our rich cultural heritage, the great diversity of
peoples, religions, languages and lifestyles. Truly diverse, yet one people. (R)
C. Recalling the greatness
of the land and our people, there is no doubt that HAMARA -BHARAT MAHAN HAI. But we have a long way to go In realizing peace,
harmony and justice for all.
the poet Rabindranath Tagore prayed: 'Into the Heaven of Freedom, my Father, let my country awake,' we shall pray that we
may be delivered from the forces of evil that stand in the way of progress and unity.
Your response will be : HUME BACHAO
· From ignorance, illiteracy, poverty and exploitation (R)
· From superstitious practices and beliefs (R)
· From hatred and violence (R)
· From selfishness and greed (R)
· From corruption in all walks of life (R)
· From envy, jealousy and prejudice (R) From those who exploit the weak (R)
· From those who sow seeds of hatred and distrust between communities (R)
· From injustices in all forms (R)
C. While there are differences in language, culture and religion, there is much that unites
us. We have reason to celebrate our Unity in Diversity. Let us listen to our Sacred Scriptures:
(A Hindu reads the following text)
Words taken from the Rig Veda: "Meet together, speak together, let your minds be of one accord..... Let your aims be
common, and your hearts of one accord, and all of you be of one mind, so you may live together."
- Rig Veda
(A Muslim reads the following)
ISLAM: Words taken from the Quran :
fast, all together, to God's rope, and not divided among yourselves. Remember with gratitude God's favour on you. for you
were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by his grace you become brethren.
- Quran: 3-103.3
(Christian reads the following)
Words taken from the Bible: "We love because He first loved us. If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is
a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother,
whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen."
- 1 John 4:19-20
(A Sikh reads the following)
Words taken from the Adi Granth: "Where egoism exists,
Thou art not experienced. Where Thou art there is no egoism. You who are learned, expound this inexpressible proposition."
- Adi Granth
(A Buddhist reads the following)
Words taken from the Dammapada: "Conquer anger by love. Conquer evil by good. Conquer the stingy by giving. Conquer the liar by truth."
- Dhammapada
(A Zoroastrian reads the following)
ZOROASTRIANISM: Sayings of Zarathustra: "We are brothers and sisters,
all belonging to one great human family, and are children of one Father, that are Thou, O Ahura Mazda. "
- Zarathustra
Let us pause for a minute to reflect on the message communicated to us by the Scriptures of the different religions.
the love of God, our Creator, unites us as brothers and sisters, members of One Family. Let us together solemnly pledge
to promote, preserve and protect the unity and integrity of India:
All : We believe that the world is One Family,
and that we are all children of God.
of us are citizens of immortal Bharat and we solemnly pledge ourselves to sincerely promote, protect and preserve the Unity
and Integrity of India, and to tirelessly work for peace, goodwill and brotherhood among all fellow beings, and harmony of
all faiths.
C. We shall
now call upon one of the members of our community to hoist the national flag.
(After the hoisting of the flag, the National Anthem is sung.)
the singing of the National Anthem the commentator says Bharat Mata Ki Jai three times and all join in,)
C. Bharat
Mata Ki Jai (3 times)
- Fr. Cedric Rebello, S.J.