Young Peter Julian (Y. Peter J)
Bishop de Bruillard (Bishop B)
Fr. Peter Julian (Fr. Peter J)
Fr. JeafrClaude Colin
(Fr. Colin)
Fr. Raymond de Cuers (Fr. Raymond)
Fr. Favre
Fr. Touche
Peter's father (Mr. Eymard)
Director of Asylum (Dir. Asylum)
Peter's mother (Mrs. Eymard)
Peter's sister (Marianne)
Stage Set Up
To avoid extra movement of placing and removing the props,
I suggest the following:
- On the extreme right a monstrance, statue of our Lady, chalice and paten to be placed on a large table which would serve
for the scenes where Eucharistic Adoration, Eucharistic Celebration. Prayer, Church, etc. takes place.
- On the extreme left a table and chair (for Scene Four to be placed) This could be modified into a window for Scene One.
- In the middle a table and a chair.
- Other props may be moved on and off stage.
(The Last Supper is enacted - Jesus at table with the apostles)
(Cel Hymnal No.225 - Take this and eat it)
(raises the bread and sings) Take this and eat it for this is my body. Take
this and drink it for this is my blood
Apostles (sing together)
Taste and see that the Lord is all goodness. Happy those who take refuge in Him
(raises the chalice) Take this and eat it for this is my body. Take this and drink it for this is my blood.
Apostles (sing),Come to
me you who are heavy laden. Take my yoke for my burden is light
(raises both bread and chalice) Take this and eat it for this is my body. Take this and drink it for this is
my blood.
Fr.Peter J (enters in a cassock and sings) When you eat and you drink at
this table. Jesus' death you proclaim till He comes.
Apostles (rise from the table and sing and mime the chorus. Jesus remains seated
at the table with raised chalice and host)
(On the street - great fanfare. Napoleon has just escaped from the isle of Elba. He marches along with his grenadiers dressed in soldiers' outfits and large feathers, through "Du Breuil" street Young
Peter Julian watches fascinated from a window. He is with a friend. Both are wearing Caps.
Y. Peter J
Gee! Its Napoleon!
I heard he has escaped from an island. What's it called? Ha.
Y. Peter J Look at those beautiful feathers his soldiers are wearing.
I wish I had one of them.
Feathers should be on birds - not on soldiers
Y.Peter J
Never mind.
(the soldiers move on - young Peter Julian and his Mend come out on the street Peter imitates
a soldier and struts up and down.)
Perfect! Only the feather's missing. Ha. Ha. (exits stage laughing)
(instrumental music....Young Peter Julian removes his cap from his head, looks at it from
different angles and puts it back on. On his way he passes a shop where he spots a real feather for sale. When the owner is
looking the other way he grabs hold of it and sneaks away. He fixes the feather on the cap and now places it on his head with
a smile. He walks down the street and comes to a Church for a visit to the Blessed Sacrament)
Voice 1
Voice 2
Voice 3
Return the stolen feather!
(Young Peter Julian rushes out of the Church and races to the shop to return the stolen
feather • exits)
Narrator That was one of the rare occasions
that young Peter gave into temptation. Yet what was important was his immediate decision to repent. Seriously! Feathers apart!
One of his favourite pastimes even at that age was to play Priest.
(Enter young Peter Julian and a few of his friends - girls and boys. He is at his home.
He puts a piece of cloth as a makeshift surplice and celebrates the Eucharist. Hisaudience may be portrayed with different
reactions even as he preaches. After the blessing he distributes sweets to his friends for being such a good congregation)
Narrator (exit Peter Julian and his friends while
the narrator speaks) The Eucharist was always close to Peter Julian's heart On March 16,1823 on Passion Sunday he received
his first Communion. Later he would recount "What wonderful graces God gave me that day". Soon he encounters his first setback
on his long road to fulfilling his vocation to the priesthood.
(Scene - Mr. Eymard. his father at desk. Enter young Peter Julian back from school)
Mr. Eymard
Son, you are thirteen now. And I think you have gained sufficient knowledge in mathematics and writing. Enough to run
the family business.
Y.Peter J
Dad what are you saying?
(grabbing his bag from him) No more school. You have
to continue the family business.
Y.Peter J
(shocked, stutters) But Father...
My decision is final.
Peter Julian was shattered. Crushed! He saw his dreams
at becoming a priest slowly vanish before him. With an aborted school education the priesthood was utterly beyond his reach.
He turned to Mary and decided to go on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Notre Dame du Laus (Our Lady of the Lake).
This shrine was run by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
Y.Peter J. (weeping
before a statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary deep in prayer. Enter ft. Touche who
sees Peter Julian weeping)
Fr.Touche (beckons PeterJuaan afterJuban
has finished praying - music -Peter Julian and Fr.Touche in conversation in mime for a few seconds;
Y.Peter J.
(aloud) But Father, Dad will not give me permission
Fr.Touche There are no ifs and buts about
it You shall have to start learning Latin, (they continue their conversation in mime)
Narrator And
thus started a lifelong friendship. It was to the Blessed Virgin Mary that he had turned to in his pain and confusion. This
devotion deepened over the years and would play a significant role throughout his hie.
Y.Peter J. (emphatically) I will be a priest! I have decided to follow Jesus!
- Celebration Hymnal No.108)
Narrator (singa)
The world behind him the cross before him. (says) Or should I
say crosses....... Lots of them with a few occasional roses....
(The following sequence is symbolic - the actors enter the
stage in tune with what the Narrator is saying ..... carrying a cross each ; (the sise may vary), from the right
of the \ stage..... and sometimes a rose where I applicable. They all REMAIN on stage till the f end of the
scene occupying different parts of ' toe stage freezing where applicable. Peter [ Julian is standing
on me extreme left of the r stage and reacts to the actors as \ applicable....sadness, joy, etc. Soft music
may t be played in the background - however it j should not drown the Narrator or the Actors)
Narrator His Father's steadfast refusal was the strongest
opposition (enter Mr.Eymard with Cross One)
Mr. Eymard (shouts at PeterJulian) College? It's much too expensive!
Narrator And yet., his mother actually purchased a second hand Latin book for Peter
Julian, (enter Mrs.Eymard from the right of the stage with a Latin boo* and a rose and gives it to Peter Julian
- Mrs.Eymard exits from left of stage)
Narrator One
day a priest came to the town looking for a young man to do odd jobs .in his residence & place of work - a hospital.
(enter a priest with a rose) In return he would teach Peter Julian, Latin.
Narrator However his so called "place of work" where he was chaplain just happened
to be an insane asylum, (enter a lunatic screaming. He is holding Cross Two in bis hand). You can imagine
how much Latin Peter Julian could learn, (another scream from the lunatic)
Narrator And
then came the biggest blow!
Dir. Asylum (enters carrying Cross Three). So young man, I hear your mother passed away.
(Mrs. Eymard collapses and dies).
Y.Peter J. (expresses utmost shock.... Wails and rushes to the statue of Our
Oh dear Mother. You be my mother
from this moment onwards.
(continues to sob quietly. Picks up a rose from the feet of our Lady, walks
slowly to Cross Three brought in by the Director of the Asylum and touches the rose to the bottom of
Cross Three)
Narrator By the
time he had reached home the funeral was over. He was not even able to say his final goodbyes to his mother, (enters a person
carrying Cross Four)
Narrator On June 7, Peter Julian puts on a religious habit and joins the congregation of the
Oblates of Mary, (enter a person with a rose)
Narrator Five
months later unable to diagnose the sickness that struck him Peter Julian was pronounced incureable, and sent home to die.
(Peter Julian collapses at the
foot of Cross Four)
Narrator On March 3.1831, Peter Julian's father Mr.Eymard (Mr.Eymard who
is already on stage walks towards Peter Julian who has now revived and dies in his arms) died after a serious illness
in the arms of Peter Julian.
Hymn We see the Troubles -Celebration
Hymnal No. 261
(The stage to be set with three
tables and chairs, each with paper and a pen - preferably a quill. The extreme right one, close to the Blessed Sacrament,
to be occupied by Fr.Peter Julian; the one on the right by FrJean-Claude Colin; the one in the middle by Bishop de Bruillard.
The ordination and his first Mass to be mimed as the Narrator speaks -instrumental music of any Eucharistic Hymn may be played)
Narrator After
his father's death, Peter Julian joined the Diocesan Seminary at Grenoble, and after three years of theological and spiritual training was ordained on July 20,
1834, by Bishop de Bruillard.
(Peter Julian walks up to Bishop de Bruillard who lays his hands on him). He celebrated his first Mass at the shrine
of the Lady of the Willow
which was under the administration of the Oblates. (mimes the celebration of his first Mass on toe right of the
stage). However, his second attempt to be readmitted into the Oblate community failed. His first assignment was at Chatte
for two and a half years and then transferred to Monteynard. In both these parishes he was noted for his generosity in terms
of giving money and food to the poor. It was in Monteynard that he first heard of a newly established religious community
called the Society of Mary or Marists from none other than his old friend and confessor, Fr. Touche.
Fr.Touche (enters stage and approaches
Peter Julian who is seated) Peter Julian, there is a newly founded religious community at Lyons. A society dedicated to Our Lady. They call themselves the
Marists. Their Superior and Founder is Fr Jean- Claude Colin.
Fr. Peter J. Then I must go to Lyons, (walks over to Fr. Jean-Claude Colin's table)
Perhaps this is the answer to my
dream of joining a religious community.
(Indulges in a silent conversation
with Fr. Colin and returns to his table)
Fr.Peter J (Picks up the pen from his table
and sits down and writes saying aloud and occasionally in mime)
Your Lordship Bishop de Bruillard,
I request you to grant me permission to join the Society of Mary.....
Bishop B.
(picks up a pen and begins to write and says aloud) Dear Fr. Peter Julian. 1 believe that the good Lord wants you in our own diocesan missions. I am unable to concede to
your request
Fr. Colin The opposition which God
permits to arise, the more painful as it conies from so eminent a source...... With due
respect launch
your attack on the Bishop. God will hear you.
Fr. Peter J Your Lordship. Give the Society of Mary this poor priest as the first fruit
of your diocese: He is no use to you and is as weak as a small reed. The Blessed Virgin will be pleased with this meager insignificant
Bishop B.
The trial has lasted long enough. Enter upon the path God calls you. and there,
labour for your sanctification and that of others. I will take care of the matter of replacing you. (exit Bishop de Bruillard
and Fr.Colin. A delighted Fr.Peter Julian slowly packs his bag and sneaks out of the parish. However just before leaving he
meets his sister)
(weeping) Please spend
only one more day with us.
Fr. Peter J. Sister, God calls me TODAY. Tomorrow will be too late. (wrenches himself away from Marianne who collapses on stage, and exits)
(A group of people praying before
the Blessed Sacrament on the right side of the stage. Fr. Raymond de Cuers is
with them)
Narrator On 20"
August 1839, Peter Julian began his training under the direction of Fr. Pierre Colin - the founder's elder brother. He then
made his annual retreat under the founder Fr.Jean-Claude Colin. However his poor health made it impossible for him to go to
the missions, where his heart was.
Ten years later in 1849, (Fr.Peter
Julian enters from the other side of the stage and joins the group already praying ) his work brought him to Paris where he met Fr. Raymond de Cuers who would share with him
the birth pangs of the new Blessed Sacrament Community.
Fr.Raymond (Fr. Raymond gives the final blessing. After
the service is over he walks over to Fr.Peter Julian) I am involved in this Nocturnal Adoration Society, an organization
which promotes night-time prayer in the presence the Blessed Sacrament
Fr.Peter J Fr. Raymond. I think God is calling me to start such an Adoration in
Lyons, (exits with Fr. Raymond from the left side
of the stage)
Narrator After
the necessary permissions he began such an organization. On January 29,1851 Fr.Peter Julian was involved in inviting and seeing Mother Duboche's
Third Order Reparation Sisters established in Lyons.
(a group of nuns and lay people enter and are seen praying before the
Blessed Sacrament Fr. Peter Julian joins them and kneels. After some time they leave
and he is left alone in deep prayer)
Narrator Then
in January 1851.......
Fr.Peter J (still kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament)
(offttage) I am giving you the task of forming a group of men dedicated to the Eucharist, to come before me
in prayer and have their lives centred on the Eucharist
Narrator (Procter
Julian is seen celebrating the Eucharist- soft music is played) Fr.Peter Julian perceived that dedication to the Eucharist
was a much needed solution to (1) the spiritual abandonment of secular priests (2) the lack of spiritual direction for the
laity and (3) the lack of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament as well as offenses committed against it. In 1851. he was transferred
is the Superior of the Marist College at La Seyne sur Mer. One day white celebrating the Eucharist, during the thanksgiving
Fr.Peter J (says aloud) I am suddenly seized by this strong feeling of gratitude
and love for you. dear Jesus. Is there not something great I can do for you?
(offstage) Yes. Devote yourself to the service of the Blessed Sacrament
Narrator Fr.
Peter Julian had spent seventeen long yean with the Marist*. He had held many important posts like Novice Master, Provincial
Superior, etc. His spiritual insights into the Eucharist soon intensified. Although at first he thought it could be integrated
within his vocation as a Marist, the powerful pull of grace was leading him in another direction... (Fr.Peter Julian and
Fr.Raymond de Cuers enter deep in conversation. Fr. Favre, unnoticed by the two of them, is seen watching them). During
his tenure as superior of the College he collaborated with Fr. Raymond in the hope of establishing the Order of the Blessed
Fr.Raymond Fr.Peter Julian I want you to prepare the first draft of a possible set of rates to guide
the group.
Fr.Peter J Already there are a few within the Marist College who have shown an inclination towards such a group. (they greet each other
and Fr.Raymond exits).
Fr. Favre (marches towards Fr.Peter Julian, is visibly angry) You
are FIRST a Marist. You should behave prudently that not even a shadow of criticism can be leveled against you concerning
this Eucharistic project, which in any case should not be your concern as a dedicated Marist As your superior, I order you
to terminate your involvement in this Eucharistic venture,
Fr.Peter J. (alone on stage) God is urging me on. The thought of establishing '
the work of the Blessed Sacrament is an attraction for me; it is making , me better. It is gentle, strong, calm and satisfying,
(walks towards ' the monstrance. I see that it will cost me. No one establishes a new work without being crucified. I will
. seek only the win of God. \
Fr.Touche (enters unnoticed by Fritter Julian '\ and taps Aim on toe back).
Your project is the work of God. I must be submitted to the head of the Church
for testing. I am going to Rome
and will personally present your petition to the Pope.
In the Lord is my Hope
-Celebration Hymnal No. 122 (song & dance sequence with Fr.Peter Julian kneeling before the Blessed sacrament)
Fr.Touche (enters after the song). The Holy Father has blessed and encouraged
the project However the necessary permissions need to be obtained form your Superior General and local bishop in order to
(A group of Marists - Fr.Favre
and his Consu/tors seen in a
heated discussion; after some time all except Fr.Favre leave one by one)
Fr. Favre (to one of the priests who is leaving) You may send
Fr.Peter Julian now.
Fr. Peter J (enters)
Fr. Favre I have just had a meeting with our Consultors. We feel that
a Eucharistic orientation is incompatible with the aims of the Marists. However I will present your affair to the Pope and
I hope you will submit to whatever the Pope says.
Fr.Peter J Absolutely, and with all my heart. (Fr.Favre exits. Fr.Peter Julian
kneels before the Blessed Sacrament and continues speaking). I know that His Holiness Pope Pius IX. has already blessed
the project Now it is just a matter of time (makes the sign of the Cross).
Hymn Chorus of God will make
a way - Celebration Hymnal No.76
(song & dance sequence with
Fr. Peter Julian kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament)
Fr.Favre (enters after the hymn). Rome is of the opinion that I do not grant you permission to leave
to undertake this Eucharistic project
Fr. Peter J And how did the Holy Father put it to you?
Fr. Favre (stutters) Actually.....! mean.... you see.....when I found
myself in the presence of the Holy Father I was so moved that.... that...I mean... I forgot to mention your situation altogether,
(adds hesitantly) This was, I mean, this was no doubt permitted by God.
Fr. Peter J (loudly) Well then, nothing has been settled. For me, Rome is the Pope.
Fr.Favre (angrily)
In that case you must leave the Marists. I cannot and must not free you from your vows.
Fr. Peter J But can I not work on this Eucharistic venture for a few years till I am on
my feet ?
Fr. Favre Absolutely not!
Fr. Peter J Then I will be forced to leave. (a visibly shaken and shocked Fr.Favre looks
at Fr. Peter J. Both are silent for a while)
Fr. Favre (slowly and sadly)
You will quit the Marists?
Fr. Peter J
Yes. I have been praying for a long time. I have spent hours before the Blessed Sacrament (walks towards the Blessed
Sacrament and looks at it lovingly). I implored our Lord, our Lady, and St Joseph to show me
the way. It is they who have helped me come to this decision.
Fr. Favre
In that case I can only let you go. I will dispense you from your vows.
Fr. Peter J
I wish to submit my situation to the judgment of an impartial witness. Please issue the dispensation only after the
judgment is rendered.
Fr. Peter Julian submitted his case in writing to Bishop Silbour, auxiliary of Paris.
He was then given the go ahead to devote himself to the work of the Blessed Sacrament The journey had only begun: the painful
departure from the Marists, the struggle to survive alongwith Fr.De Cuers, the few entries of priests coupled with some exits!
By the end of 1858, after two years of struggling, the community numbered twelve: seven priests and five brothers. In January
1859. he received the "Writ of Praise", the first step leading to full approbation of a Religious Congregation. On June 3, 1863, His Holiness approved and confirmed the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament as an institute
with simple vows under authority of a Superior General.
Fr.Peter J
"Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of
the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus. (eater Peter Julian's young friend from Scene One from left of the stage, waving
a feather. Peter Julian marches towards him, grabs the feather and flings it away. He slowly walks back towards the altar
on the left saying)
Therefore my beloved brothers and sisters (reaches for the
monstrance), whom I long for. my joy and crown (raises the monstrance and blesses the audience with it), stand
firm in the Lord in this way. my beloved" (Phil 3:13-14, 4:1)
(could end with an instrumental version of Let us Bow
in Adoration)
Reference: PELLETTER NORMAN, Tomorrow
Will be Too Late