Role of the Laity in Catechesis
The Pre-Baptismal Catechesis programme formulated by the Diocesan Catechetical Centre recommends
setting aside a priest from the parish team to conduct the programme as an over all director. He is to be assisted by team
couples from the laity. "The Apostolate of the Laity is a sharing in the salvific mission of the Church. Through Baptism and
Confirmation, all are appointed to this apostolate by the Lord Himself. Besides this Apostolate which belongs to absolutely
every Christian, the laity can be called in different ways to more immediate cooperation in the apostolate of the hiearchy"
(Lumen Gentium 33). "The Pastors
indeed should recognise and promote the dignity and responsibility of the laity in the Church. They should willingly use their
prudent advice and confidently assign duties to them in the service of the Church, leaving them freedom and scope for acting".
(Lumen Gentium 37)
Team Couples from the laity are eminently suitable for Pre-Baptism Ministry because of their
hands on experience of family life. "The state of life that is sanctified by a special sacrament, namely married and family
life, has a special importance in this prophetic office. Where the Christian religion pervades the whole structure of life
with a continuous and evermore profound transformation, there is both the practice and an outstanding school of the lay apostolate.
In it the married partners have their own proper vocation: they must be witness of faith and love of Christ to one another
and to their children. The Christian Family proclaims aloud both the present power of the Kingdom of God and the hope of the
blessed life. Hence by example and by their testimony, they convict the world of sin and give light to those who seek the
(Lumen Gentium 35).
The Pre-Baptismal Catechesis Programme contains guidelines for sharing by the Lay Team Couples
in every session. These give an opportunity for sharing their life experience and provide a dynamic and lively touch to Catechesis.
Role of the Community
The entire Rite for Baptism of Children (RBC) emphasises the community aspect of this Sacrament.
The Rite involves not only the infants who are to be baptised, it essentially involves the community, the whole Church, into
which the infants will enter as a result of their Baptism. It is not only a family event but also a community event. This
is highlighted by the Celebrant going to the entrance of the Church to welcome the infant into our midst. In the Baptismal
Rite the Celebrant says to the child "The Christian Community welcomes you with great joy". At the end of the Baptismal Rite,
the Celebrant presents the "New Entrants to the Community" to the assembly to welcome them.
"In this way it is clear that the faith in which the children are baptised is not the private
possession of the individual family, but is the common treasure of the whole Church of Christ" (RBC-40).
After the Second Vatican Council, it can truly be said that the Church has involved the entire community into
the Baptismal Rite. Parents have been explained the significance of the Sacrament. As a follow through of this Pre-Baptismal
Catechesis, some parishes have started celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism during Sunday Liturgy in the presence of the Parish
Community. Both parents and the community are made to understand their commitment to the child's faith formation on a long
term basis.